An Examination of Ecclesiastical Unity in Ephesians 4:1-6 as Paradigm for the Universal Unity of the Body of Christ

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Theological Significance of Levitical Worship in Contemporary Christianity

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The ideal Position of Bi-Vocational Ministry amid African Ministers

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Hesed in the Book of Ruth and Its Implications for African Christians

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Pan-Africanist Sources of Kemetism: Historical Overview and Challenges for Contemporary Christianity

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Decolonizing Development Policies in Africa through Intercultural Communication

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Dialectical Analysis of the End of Saint Mark’s Gospel

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Semantic Analysis of Mathetes (Disciple) in the New Testament and Related Literature: Relevance for Contemporary Disciples of Christ

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A Semantic Exploration of Akolouthein

Oumarou's Article

Following Jesus is a key theme in the New Testament (NT).

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De la contextualisation à la contextéisation Final.

Fohle's Article

L'appel à migrer de la contextualisation de la théologie vers sa contextéisation3 est dicté non seulement par le double besoin de décoloniser

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Zelophehad Daughters

Dr Ndishuas Article

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An ecclesiological response to the hunger stricken

Fai Article

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Exploring the Patriarchal Narratives and Other Ancient Near Easternf

Umaru's Article

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Hermeneutical Analysis of the Sexual Violation of Dinah in Genesis 34 and Implications for Christian Youths

Ochenia Faith OPADE1 and Akusa Danlami GAJERE

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Homesexuality and Africa

Dr Iliya's article

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Leadership Tussles in the Church

- Gumap - CAJET 1.pdf

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Maximinzing ICT Equipments

Dr Auda's article

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Nigeria - the Colossae of the 21st century

Jantiky Article

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Pastoral preaching as a response to Dementia

Otitoju Teidi Article

It is observed that dementia as an old age illness is becoming more challenging among adults in today’s Church.

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The Contribution of Reverend Jove - Oshevire Article

Oshevire Article

This paper examines the profound impact of Reverend Jove Ejovi Aganbi on the growth and development of Baptist work in Delta State, Nigeria.

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